Coastal Eye Centre COVID-19 Policy - Management of patients

Updated 2.22.2022


Coastal Eye Centre has obligations under occupational health and safety legislation and the Medical Board Code of Conduct to keep patients and staff safe. We have conducted a risk assessment of the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission at our practice. The nature of ophthalmology treatment does not allow social distancing between practitioner and patient, and we are implementing this policy to reduce the risk of transmission.

  • Only patients to enter Coastal Eye Centre for their appointment, only 1 carer may enter our premises.
  • If you are displaying any respiratory, cold or flu like symptoms or covid symptoms, please phone Coastal Eye Centre and your appointment will be rebooked. This applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients


** Please note - This can change with the emergence of new variants or changes in incidence of Covid **

Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding during this pandemic.

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